Report a concern

Report an incident you witnessed or experienced to trained staff from your organization, with or without using your name. Go at your own pace. You can always return later if you need more time to edit your report.

The Process

Scan the unique QR code on your start paperwork or call sheet, in your employee handbook, or through your union's members-only login page.

Access MyConnext

Create a report with OR without your identity

Report an incident you experienced or witnessed. You get to decide whether to stay anonymous or include your identity.

Your completed report gets sent to your organization’s administrator so they can take action.

Submit your report

To ensure immediate and effective action, please do not use this tool to report instances of child abuse. If you suspect or are aware of child abuse, contact local law enforcement or child protective services directly.

Key tool features

Questions about the MyConnext Tool?

Visit the FAQs to learn more about how the tool works.